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How old is my 5 years 10 months old Canaan Dog in human years?

How old is my dog in human age? What is the real age of your dog breed? Calculate dog years to human years!

How to use the dog years calculator? Select a breed, enter your dog’s age, click on the calculate, and the dog years to human years converter calculates the result.


Your 5 years 10 months old Canaan Dog is 41 years old in human years and is considered as an Adult dog.


Description of the dog years to human years calculator



Who doesn't want to know their dog's human age?

Dogs live much shorter than humans, unfortunately. However, there are also significant differences between dog breeds.

Several factors are influencing and have to be taken into account if we would like to forecast a dog’s age. Generally, a large dog lives shorter than a small dog.

Although, there are cultured breeds that live for a very short time due to their physical structure.

Such kind is a small French bulldog or a large Neapolitan mastiff. We also know that the development of a dog is much faster than humans, practically a 1 year in dog ages equals 14-18 years old in human years.


Dog years to human years calculator


How can we determine a dog’s age in human years?

And if we want to adopt them in their adult years?

Veterinarians can primarily deduce the age of the dog from the state of the teeth. Of course, the choice of previous keeping and the choice of pet food may also affect the state of the tooth. In this case, they will also examine the skeleton and the animal's fur.

Slower motions and gray hairs also indicate older age.

Unfortunately, elderly dogs are more susceptible to diseases, especially the spinal problems that cause the greatest concern, which can primarily lead to the paralysis of the hind legs.

As we feed our dog in his puppyhood with special meals, let's do this even in his older age. Vitamin-rich pet foods designed for old dogs can prolong the dog's age.

The dog size significantly determines the highest expected age.

People tried to convert dog years to human years and tried to figure out dog age calculator methods since the 13. century. A record of the Westminster Abbey from 1268 shows that dog's age 9 years in 1 calendar year, so 9 times faster than a human.

There is no scientific proof or reality in this data, although the age of dogs must have been multiplied if we want to calculate how old they would be as people.

There are several dog age calculator methods existing to forecast your dog’s maximum age. It is also often heard that the dog age is relatively easy to calculate, just multiply by 7 the number of “human years” they have lived, and we already know how old our dog would be as people.


DNA as a factor affecting the age of dogs

This is a common myth, but it is not even close to reality, mostly because not every year is worth the same as opposed to this dog age calculator method supposes.

Truth is that dogs really age faster than us, but their aging process is a bit different. They don’t even live for 80 years, but the calculation is more complicated than simple multiplication.

Humans and dogs have some crucial connections but also differences as well in their epigenetic clock data.


The epigenetic clock

The epigenetic clock is a biochemical test, based on the DNA methylation level, that can be used to measure age.

Although strong relation between the aging process and DNA methylation levels since the 60’s one of the first and most epigenetic clocks was published by the labs of Trey Ideker and Kang Zhang at the University of California, San Diego in 2013.

They named it, the Hannum epigenetic clock, which consists of 71 markers that accurately estimate age based on blood methylation levels.

While age-related DNA methylation changes in dogs implicate similar gene ontology categories as in humans, and other mammals there are also some crucial differences in their aging processes.

Trey Ideker at the University of California, San Diego, and his colleagues performed a genetic analysis of dogs and humans studying the changes in their DNA methylation.

The research team of the University of California, San Diego discovered that compared with humans, dogs age faster at first, blazing into the equivalent of human middle age after only a few years.

But this aging slows down: in the next 10 years, there is only about 20 human years’ worth of changes that will occur.

Dogs become mature in their first year, while people at the age of 14-15. There is no other such rapid development or aging, so the next few years cannot be counted as 15.


Beliefs around the calculation of age

Popular belief in real life would mean that the age of a 2 years old dog equals a 14 years old kid. At the age of 10, the dog would be 70 years old.

This can’t be 100% true. Instead of multiplication, we have to check the dog’s weight, breed, and health status. In reality, the average first 2 years of a dog equals 24 human years usually.

With many dog breeds, the first year equals 14-15 human years, and then it depends on the size, weight, breed, and health.

Small dogs live longer and mature sooner than large ones, so their first year should be counted more, and then from the second year less.


Dog age calculator chart

For anyone who's ever wondered how old their dog would be if they were human, here are handy dog months to human years chart.

Dog Months to Human Years Chart

Age of DogAge In Human Years
1-month-old dog in human years4 months
2 months old dog in human years14 months
3 months old dog in human years2 years
4 months old dog in human years3 years
5 months old dog in human years4 years
6 months old dog in human years5 years
7 months old dog in human years6 years
8 months old dog in human years7 years
9 months old dog in human years9 years
10 months old dog in human years11 years
11 months old dog in human years13 years
12 months old dog in human years15 years


Larger dogs, therefore, grow faster than very small dogs.

Dog Years vs Human Years Chart

Size of DogSmallMediumLarge
Age of DogAge In Human Years
1 dog year to human years15
2 dog years to human years24
3 dog years to human years28
4 dog years to human years32
5 dog years to human years36
6 dog years to human years404245
7 dog years to human years444750
8 dog years to human years485155
9 dog years to human years525661
10 dog years to human years566066
11 dog years to human years606572
12 dog years to human years646977
13 dog years to human years687482
14 dog years to human years727888
15 dog years to human years768393
16 dog years to human years808799
17 dog years to human years8593104


Small size dogs weigh a maximum of 20 pounds, medium size dogs weigh between 21 and 50 pounds, and large and giant size dogs weigh more than 50 pounds. There is no significant difference in age between large size dogs and giant size dogs.


Dog years to human years chart by breed size

Dog years to human years chart by breed size


Summary of the dog years calculator

Small and medium-size dogs age slower than large and giant size dogs. This means that a 10 years old Pug equals 56 years old human, although a 10 years old Great Dane would be 66 years old in human age.

Cross and Mix breeds tend to live longer than purebreds, because of their wide genetical spectrum they are more resistant to diseases. So, how old is my dog in human years? Convert your dog’s age to human years now.


Breeds and longevity

However, as I already mentioned the lifespan of your dog depends on several factors such as food habits and care, genetics play a crucial role. While some animals are prone to contracting breed-specific diseases and conditions other breeds are genetically tuned to live longer so the maximum of a dog’s age can highly depend on its breed.


Top 5 dog breeds with the highest life expectancy

New Guinea Singing DogFriendly, Howler18 Years
ChihuahuaCourageous, Playful17 Years
Toy PoodlePeace-loving, Playful16 Years
Jack Russell TerrierCourageous, Energetic16 Years
CockapooHighly Affectionate, Energetic16 Years


The first breed on the list; the New Guinea Singing Dog is considered to be the rarest dog breed in the world. These dogs are native to Papua New Guinea and there are only about 100 of them estimated in the world.

According to Guinness World Records, Bluey, who lived 29 years, and 5 months (approx.151 in ”human years”) is the oldest dog in the world ever verified.

Bluey was an Australian Cattle Dog owned by Les and Esma Hall of Rochester, from Victoria, Australia. She was born on 7 June 1910 and lived until 14 November 1939. A few years after Chilla, a Labrador Retriever and Australian Cattle Dog mix was reported to have lived to the age of 32 years and 12 days (this data wasn’t officially verified).

These two dogs raised the question of whether the breed might have exceptional longevity.

A study began to examine the possible longevity of the Australian Cattle Dog.

The study concluded, based on a survey of 100 dogs of the breed that while the Australian Cattle Dogs do live about a year longer than most dogs of other breeds in the same weight class on average, Bluey and Chilla are peculiar exceptions rather than proofs of common longevity for this entire breed.

If you want to compare dog breeds according to their life expectancy and personality, we have a solution.

Compare Dog Breeds



Factors influencing life expectancy

We well know by now, that a dog’s lifespan depends on its size and specific breed a lot, but there are some factors you can control that may increase it.

With simple habits and effective medical care, you can boost your dog’s immunity and keep diseases away.

Of course once in a lifetime death is inevitable for all of us, including our four-legged best friends as well, but you can do your part to ensure your dog remains active and healthy for as long as possible by being aware and taking care of these few factors, I’ll just list:

  1. Avoid Overfeeding: Even if treats can be a kind of “love language” toward dogs, and it is hard to say no to the puppy eyes, in the long run keeping a balanced diet helps a lot in preserving your dog’s health as long as possible. Obesity makes dogs much more susceptible to heart diseases and other life-threatening conditions.
  2. Regular exercise: Just like in the case of humans, for the preservation of your dog’s health along with a balanced diet, regular exercise is inevitable too. Daily exercise boosts their immune system and keeps their heart condition healthy.
  3. Neutering: Getting your dog neutered can increase your dog’s age by 1 to 3 years due to the fact that you can warden several life-threatening diseases. With this simple medical procedure, you can avoid diseases such as testicular cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, and prostrated problems.
  4. Dental health: Your dog’s teeth condition can have a surprisingly big influence on the animal’s overall health. Poor dental health can potentially release harmful bacteria into the dog’s bloodstream.
  5. Regular Checkups at the vet: It is highly recommended to take your pet to the vet at least once every 6 months for thorough check-ups. Early diagnoses of illnesses or diseases can prove to be the difference between life and death.





How can I calculate the age of my dog in human years?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the calculation of the age of a dog differentiates between the different breeds’ sizes.

However, one uniform calculation method can be used to guess the dog’s age converted into human years. The dog’s first year after birth, equals 15 human years, then the second year equals about 9 human years, and after that, every year can account for about 5 human years.


Where can I find a calculator for dog life expectancy in human years?

On the page of AKC (American Kennel Club) or on the site of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

It is also possible to calculate it by a simple method. The dog’s first year after birth equals 15 human years, then the second year equals about 9 human years, and after that, every year can account for about 5 human years.


Where can I find a chart for dog life expectancy in human years?

Here or on the page of AKC (American Kennel Club) or on the site of the American Veterinary Medical Association.


What is the average dog life expectancy converted into human years?

The average expected lifespan converted into human years is between 50 and 80 years, which would mean that the dog reached 12-16 years. However, this number depends greatly on the breed.


Are all dog years counted as seven human years?

According to the so-called “rule of paw” one human year equals seven dog years. However, as several scientists studied the ages of dogs, they came to the conclusion that there is no such rule. In fact, the calculation differs from breed to breed depending on the dog’s size.

A new calculation method for computing the dog’s age converted in human years, is that the dog’s first year equals 15 human years, then the second year equals about 9 human years, and after that, every year can account for about 5 human years.


How much do dogs age in their first year converted to human years?

Puppies grow really quickly compared to human babies, and they are also much more independent. The first dog year equals approximately 15 human years.


Do dogs have the same life stages as humans do?

Yes, dogs also go through different life stages during their lives. Puppyhood would account for infancy, toddler years, and early childhood. This phase lasts from birth until 6 months. Then, dogs reach the adolescent stage which would be adolescence for humans too. The adolescent stage lasts between 18 and 30 months.

The adulthood in a dog’s life cycle begins at about 24 months up to 36 months depending on the breed. This life stage would be adulthood and middle age for humans.

Then comes the senior stage, which bears many similarities to the human senior life stage. A dog’s golden years will begin between the age of 7 and 10 depending on the breed. Dogs also tend to get grey-ish coats, they slow down and sleep more.


What factors affect a dog's lifespan?

Several factors affect a dog's lifespan. The breed is one factor, as some breeds have a shorter lifespan than others.

Diet, exercise, and weight are also important factors. Dogs that are overweight or obese have a shorter lifespan than those that are at a healthy weight. Providing plenty of exercise and feeding a high-quality diet are the best ways to help your dog live a long, healthy life.


How long can the average dog live?

The average lifespan of a dog is about 10-12 years, but there are many factors that can affect this, including breed, diet, and exercise.

For example, a large breed dog like a Great Dane generally has a shorter lifespan than a small breed dog like a Yorkie. Dogs that are fed poor-quality diets or that don't get enough exercise are also more likely to have shorter lifespans. Conversely, dogs that eat healthy diets and get plenty of exercise can often live well into their late teens or early twenties.


Are there any ways to tell how long a dog will live?

Longevity in dogs is partially determined by their breed. For example, a Rottweiler typically has a lifespan of 8-10 years while a Shih Tzu typically has a lifespan of 12-15 years.

However, there are many other factors that also affect how long a dog will live such as diet, exercise, and whether or not they are spayed/neutered.

Generally speaking, the more you can do to keep your dog healthy - by feeding them a high-quality diet, exercising them regularly, and keeping them free of parasites and other health issues - the longer they will live. Puppies, for example, should not be overfed because it can lead to health problems down the road.


What are some things people do to increase their dogs' lifespans? 

There are a number of things people can do to increase their dogs' lifespans. Some of the most important ones are to feed them a healthy diet, make sure they get plenty of exercises, and keep them free from parasites and diseases.

Other things that can help include providing regular veterinary care, keeping them warm in the winter, and not over-treating them with chemicals and medications. By following these simple tips, people can help ensure their dogs live long and healthy lives.


Are dog years equal to human years?

No, not exactly. Dogs age faster than humans do, so one year in a human's life is equivalent to about 15 years in a dog's life.

The reason for this is that dogs have shorter lifespans than humans do. On average, a dog lives for about 10-12 years, while a human can live up to 70-80 years.

So although dog years are not exactly equal to human years. This means that the older a human gets, the more their life resembles that of an elderly dog.


What are 11 years in dog years?

A: There is no one definitive answer to this question, as it varies depending on the size and breed of the dog. Generally speaking, however, one year in a human's life is equivalent to seven years in a dog's life.

This means that 11 years in a human's life would be equivalent to around 66 years in a dog's life.

If we are to be precise: 


How important is the diet in determining a dog's lifespan?

Diet is one of the most important factors in determining a dog's lifespan. Dogs that are fed a high-quality diet have a significantly longer lifespan than dogs that are fed low-quality diets.

A high-quality diet for dogs should include animal protein, fresh vegetables, and fresh fruit. It should also be low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats.

Dogs that are fed this type of diet live an average of 2-3 years longer than dogs that are fed commercial kibble or canned food.


What genetic conditions are known to shorten a dog's lifespan?

There are a few different genetic conditions that are known to shorten a dog's lifespan. The most common is canine degenerative myelopathy, which is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the spinal cord.

Other genetic conditions that can shorten a dog's lifespan include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and inherited eye diseases.


Are there any environmental factors that can play a role in a dog's life expectancy?

Yes, there are environmental factors that can play a role in a dog's life expectancy. For example, exposure to second-hand smoke can significantly reduce a dog's lifespan.

Dogs living in areas with high levels of air pollution also tend to have shorter lifespans than dogs living in cleaner environments.

And finally, obesity is now recognized as a leading cause of early death in dogs, so keeping your dog at a healthy weight is another way to help extend his or her life.


What are some things owners can do to ensure their dog lives a long, healthy life?

  1. Feed your dog a high-quality diet that is appropriate for their age and breed.
  2. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise.
  3. Provide your dog with plenty of freshwaters to drink.
  4. Regularly groom your dog and keep their nails trimmed.
  5. Take your dog to the veterinarian for check-ups and preventive care, including vaccinations, deworming, and tick/flea/heartworm prevention.


What diseases should pet owners be aware of and what can be done to prevent them?

Some diseases that pet owners should be aware of and take preventative measures against include rabies, heartworm, Lyme disease, and leptospirosis.

Each of these diseases can have serious consequences for both pets and their owners, so it is important to take the necessary steps to protect both parties.

For example, heartworm can be prevented by using an appropriate insecticide on your pet on a monthly basis, and Lyme disease can be avoided by using tick collars or repellent.

Rabies can be prevented through regular vaccination schedules and leptospirosis can be prevented by using vaccine boosters at least once a year.


How old is my dog in dog years?

The dog years calculator is just a rough estimate, but it's a good starting point to help you understand how old your dog is in human years.


How long are 12-15 years in dog years?

Depending on the size of the dog, it can be anywhere between 64 and 93 years old. For more accurate information, see our dog age chart or use our dog age calculator.

Latest Dog Years To Human Years Calculations